Reports & Announcements


Rural Barriers to Domestic Violence for DASO

Text to come

View the full report here:

Rural Barriers to Domestic Violence for DASO

Human Trafficking-Background Research for DASO

According to the United Nations and the Government of Canada, incidents of human trafficking are on the rise and no community is immune.  Domestic Abuse Services Oxford (DASO) hired Social Planning Council Oxford to complete background research on a community response to human trafficking in Oxford County.  The report was intended to answer the questions: what is the most effective community response to human trafficking? and what key key elements should a community response to human trafficking include?

View the full report here:

Human Trafficking: Background Research on a Community Response in Oxford County March 2019

Fact Sheet on Predatory Lending Dec. 2017

The Social Planning Council – Oxford is committed to providing the citizens of Oxford County information and education to improve the well being of all members of our community, as in this case, about income inequality. Alternative financial institutions, often called payday loans, engage in predatory lending practices. This report is designed to provide information about predatory lending and the effects of alternative financial institutions on vulnerable populations in Oxford County.

View the full report here:

Fact Sheet on Predatory Lending Dec. 2017

Living Wage Campaign 2017

Living Wage is Not Minimum Wage

A living wage is not the same as the minimum wage, which is the legal minimum all employers must pay. The living wage reflects what earners need to have a basic but acceptable standard of living, based on the actual costs of living in a specific community. The living wage is calculated as the hourly rate at which a household can meet its basic needs, once government transfers have been added to the family’s income and deductions have been subtracted.

View the full report here:

Living Wage Campaign 2017

Living Wage Report Dec. 2017

Wellbeing Defined

The Canadian Index of Wellbeing defines wellbeing as “the presence of the highest possibility of quality of life in its full breadth of expression focused on but not necessarily exclusive to: good living standards, robust health, a sustainable environment, vital communities, an educated populace, balanced time use, high levels of democratic participation, and access to and participation in leisure and culture” – (Canadian Index of Wellbeing, 2016).

View the full report here:

Living Wage Report Dec. 2017

Addressing Hunger in Oxford County

Published in November 2016 by the Social Planning Council Oxford, and funded partly by United Way Oxford, Addressing Hunger in Oxford County: Exploring Needs, Strengths, and Next Steps is a study of the food system in Oxford County, specifically focusing on how it supports individuals in our community who lack consistent access to adequate, safe, and nutritious food that meets people’s dietary and cultural needs, as well as their food preferences.

View the full report here:

Addressing Hunger in Oxford County

View a summary fact sheet of this report here:


Youth Voice Report: Mental Health & Suicide

Published in September 2016 by the Social Planning Council Oxford, and funded partly by the Time 2 Change Minds (T2CM) Fund through the Canadian Mental Health Association Oxford County Branch and Woodstock Hospital. The Youth Voice Report: Mental Health & Suicide thematically outlines the issues that have come to the surface in the ways suicide, mental health, and related topics are confronted by our youth. View the full report here:

Youth Voice Report: Mental Health & Suicide

A summary fact sheet of this report can be found below:


Challenging the myths: Refugees in Canada

Published in February 2016 by the Social Planning Council Oxford. A special thanks to the Peel Newcomer Strategy Group for allowing us to adapt their publication. To view the publication, click the link below.

Challenging the myths: Refugees in Canada

Food for Change: From Charity to Dignity

Published in December 2015 by the Social Planning Council Oxford. A special thanks to the York Region Food Network for allowing us to duplicate their 2013 publication, with slight modifications. To view the publication, click the link below.

Food for Change: From Charity to Dignity

How are Oxford County residents REALLY doing? A report on wellbeing in Oxford County

Released in June 2014 by the Social Planning Council Oxford, and funded by the Woodstock & Area Community Health CentreHow are Oxford County residents REALLY doing? A report on wellbeing in Oxford County explores the eight domains of the Canadian Index of Wellbeing with local data. Feedback from community discussions is included in the report.

Transportation in Tillsonburg: Getting There

Released in March 2014 by the Social Planning Council Oxford, Transportation in Tillsonburg: Getting There includes a community overview, existing transportation services, the financial and social costs related to a lack of transportation, examples of transportation solutions, and recommendations for the community.

Trends in Oxford County: Food Security

Published in May 2013 by the Social Planning Council Oxford. To view the publication, click the link below.

Trends in Oxford County: Food Security

Age Friendly Housing, Norwich Township

Published in February 2013 by the Social Planning Council Oxford. A special thanks to the Township of Norwich Health Visioning Committee for their assistance with this publication. To view the publication, click the link below.

Age Friendly Housing Norwich Twp

Suicide in Oxford County

Published in November 2012 by the Social Planning Council Oxford. A special thanks to Oxford County Public Health & Emergency Services, Woodstock Hospital, Woodstock Police Services, and the Ontario Provincial Police for their assistance with this publication. To view the publication, click the link below.

Just the Facts: Suicide


Live a Day in my Shoes

Live a Day in my ShoesOn May 6th, 2014, more than 100 Oxford County community members gathered to weave their way through the maze of community services for those living in poverty, and experienced a glimpse of what it might be like to live just one day in their shoes. The day included guest speaker, Tracy Rhea, a local community member who has experienced poverty in Oxford County. Hear what participants had to say about the Live a Day in my Shoes event, or check out a video of the day!


Social Planning Network of Ontario statement on the National Household Survey

The voluntary National Household Survey (NHS) has produced lower quality data than the mandatory long-form Census it has replaced. The Social Planning Network of Ontario only uses NHS data when higher quality data is not available. Statistics Canada has said their evaluations of NHS data “support the general reliability of the data at the national, provincial and territorial levels” but they have not extended this confidence to using NHS data at the community level. They have noted that “risk of error in NHS estimates increases for lower levels of geography and smaller populations.” Due to the increase in error at the local level compared to previous Census data, Statistics Canada has released very few NHS data tables for smaller geographies like municipalities and neighbourhoods. Statistics Canada has also cautioned against doing historical comparisons between NHS and Census data because the data was collected differently. Good quality data about demographics, social and economic conditions at the local level is essential for social planning and research, including the design and delivery of public services. The cancellation of the mandatory long form Census has resulted in a significant loss of reliable data that will greatly reduce the ability of residents to understand their own communities. This critical data gap will also affect the quality and cost-effectiveness of the services residents use for years to come. The Social Planning Network of Ontario with its partners at the local, provincial and national levels will continue to bring attention to this major data gap and to call for the return of a full mandatory Census.

Achieving Community Wellbeing

On September 5th, 2013 a panel of leaders from the City of Guelph shared their experience and insights into how the Guelph community worked to develop and put into action a plan for wellbeing for all residents. Also, hear about the work of Social Planning Council Oxford, results from recent community forums and their link to wellbeing. Hear what participants had to say about the Achieving Community Wellbeing: A Panel and Community Dialogue event.

Social Planning Council Oxford

447 Hunter Street
Woodstock, ON Canada
N4S 4G7

phone: (226) 228-0539

About Us

The goal of the Social Planning Council Oxford is to bring people together to actively participate in social development to improve the quality of life of Oxford County residents.

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